AGame delivers exciting promotions designed for your budget, prizes and number of winners.
We design an attention-getting display to your specifications, featuring your brand.
All games can be customized for your casino, current promotion, or any special event or holiday.
Let player beat the heat, without burning a hole in your pocket. In this fiery promotion, get your ROI and headcount boiling over the top while keeping your players on the floor! Players are selected to take their turn to try and Beat the Heat to win prizes of your choosing.

Gas for their cars and Cash for their wallets! Give your customers a chance at this great combination promotion. Our oversized customizable gas pump, is sure to drive traffic to your floors as your customers watch the earnings fill up! Players earn points to play at the pump, winning cash, free play and gas card prizes

With jumbo size playing pieces and game board, this is the perfect way to reward your players! Roll the extra large dice and move around the colorful prize squares to reveal what level prize is won.

Lock in your players with this appealing prize code promotion. Player’s type a lucky code into the vault, and the vault reveals the players prize winnings! Looking for something smaller? We also have a portable, table top size Crack the Code Vault that can easily be moved from one side of your casino floor to the other.

Saddle Up and give your players the ULTIMATE STAKES RACE experience, with our fine-tuned, fun and friendly derby that can reward up to $1 MILLION dollars! Choose a favorite horse and WIN according to performance.

Kash KaBoom! A gold mine themed game that fits in whenever your players are looking to strike it rich! Players plunge a giant detonator, then ride down a mineshaft to win prizes featured after each on screen detonation. The ride isn't all fun and games as the "Old Timer" host reminds us, there're plenty of varmints, bandits and ghosts.


Make your guests feel like royalty with this royal flush game. The contestant will walk the red carpet then have the chance to make pairs, straights, full house or a royal flush for prizes. This promotion is great anytime of the year and pairs perfectly with an inhouse poker tournament.

A Rockin’ party promotion! Rock Star images win players cash or Free play prizes. If your player finds all of the “artist of the week”, they win a Rock Star fortune- an insured prize of up to $500,000! Make it a party with multiple contestants: everyone selects then opens their envelope at the same time. If all four players find ELVIS, everyone wins $100,000! ($500,000 Total) If 4 out of 5 players find Elvis, everyone wins $10,000! ($50,000 Total)